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Soft catalog: System Tuners

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Rate: 9.6
Votes: 5

  • Windows_Power_Tools_1.75 Image
  • Home page
  • Language: English Copyright: Shareware
  • Platform: Win95/98 Size: 2300Kb
    Dr. Salman's Windows Power Tools includes five system utilities: HYPERWINDOWS, HYPERNET, SECURITY TOOLKIT, QUICK-ACCELERATOR, and RAM-MAGNIFIER. HYPERWINDOWS allows you to update and optimize the Windows GUI and Win32 Matrix Core settings, which makes Windows run faster. HYPERNET lets you fine-tune various Internet settings to make the Internet connection faster, and to decrease the downloading time. SECURITY TOOLKIT adds to Windows more security features, such as anti-hacking configurations and DOS and Control Panel access restrictions.QUICK-ACCELERATOR enables you to speed up the Windows Start and Popup menus and add a DOS mode extension to every folder. RAM-MAGNIFIER can increase the System RAM by loading a virtual device driver, which simulates virtual memory and compresses the E000, EFFF, EBFF, and E7FF regions of RAM.


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